Wednesday, December 31, 2008

How To Use Texas Holdem Software To Bury Your Competition

Hello Everyone,

My name is Keith Kearney, but some of you may know me as THERAKEMAKER. I have been playing Texas Holdem professionally online for five years now so I can relate with the ups and downs the average poker player will encounter throughout their endeavor.

I have won well over $60,000 in the multi table tournament scene and close to $100,000 at the cash tables. I know that may or may not seem like much to some of you, but starting at the bottom, playing $5 and $10 tournaments and working my way up to the occasional $1000 buy in is a serious accomplishment in my eyes.

The competition is fierce when it comes to online Texas Holdem, and I learned early off that any small advantage you may have over your opponents will likely become a big advantage in the long run. In order to become a consistent winner at online Texas holdem, you have to know and evaluate your opponents. I remember doing things the old school way, and taking notes on each and every player I used to encounter on the tables. I was seriously dedicated to learning and beating the game and I was willing to do what ever it took to do just that.

So why am I telling you all of this? Well first off, I just want to let the average Joe know that I can relate with the struggles of playing Texas Holdem online. I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth, and mommy and daddy didn't buy me into any thousand dollar poker tournaments because they had a hunch. Everything I have accomplished in my life has been a direct result of hard work and persistence.

Secondly I want to let you know their is a more efficient way to beat the game, than taking notes and studying your opponents. Now don't get me wrong you should always have an idea about the general playing styles of your competitors. But it just takes to damn long to take notes and study every single person.

It wasn't untill I started using various forms of Texas Holdem software, that I was able to experience so much success. Now just because you use certain programs to help you beat the odds, doesn't mean you are going to be a consistent winner. But trust me when I tell you the right program will definitely help give you that edge you need to come out on top in the long run, and that's what real poker is all about. The long run.

So I write this post today in hopes that you will seriously consider using this simple software. This is the same program I have successfully used for years to identify my best customers. What do I mean by that? I mean your poker play should be viewed as a business, and a successful business will know who their best customers are. Who spends the most in their stores? Well who spends the most in your store? How many players, play at a skill level lower than yours? Who seems to consistently ship money your way during a cash session? Do you even know? Well this is crucial information my friends, and this software I'm about to present you with will do just that.

It will run a search when you log into your favorite poker accounts, and it will identify the skill level of your competitors. It will tell you who is dumping the most money and what table their on. It will show you who is playing a tight game and who is playing reckless. It will keep track of the players that seem to consistently ship you the pots.

Think about it for a minute. Imagine if you knew when, and who to bluff every single time. Imagine if you could consistently avoid the tables that were full of sharks. Your poker profits would sky rocket and your confidence would grow with every single hand you played. Mike Caro said it best, "Game selection is 75% of the battle" If your in the wrong game you are only hurting yourself. So don't take my word for it, but take Mikes. Click the banner below and explore a whole new way to playing Texas Holdem online. Trust me you wont regret it.

To Your Success,

Keith Kearney


About Me

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Keith Kearney is Successful network marketer and 7 year veteran of the industry. He has a passion for helping others achieve their financial goals and makes it his personal mission to develop 30 six-figure earners in 2009. He has been able to develop as a young entrepreneur by reading many personal development books and attending extensive training seminars. He is the creator of the Millionaire's In Training mentor program (M.I.T) and founder of the Success Seekers Network. Feel free to send him any questions you may have.